A: We aim to give you 4 or 5 days work each week depending how flexible you are
A: All our work is in the KT postcode area, so not too far
A: We phone and discuss each assignment with you and then text the address and start time to you
A: Some work arises owing to staff sickness so we can get a call at say 7am with a request to be on site asap. Other work is holiday cover for example and we have a week’s notice
A: You send in your timesheet on the Monday for the previous week, and get paid on the Friday
A: Comfortable work clothes that are clean and tidy ie jeans not faded or torn, no shorts, tops without writing or graphics, work boots not shoes, hi-viz when required or in poor visibility
A: 21 years of age is the absolute minimum and some clients require 25 years of age
A: Maximum 6 points for minor offences only, no DD or IN10